If you haven't already heard, here at Live Well we have two qualified Metabolic Balance coaches....
As part of the MB program we utilise you personal data, take extensive blood tests and measurements to create an individualised nutrition plan. With your correct food chemistry your body’s inflammation will decrease. When our bodies are inflamed, they retain fat and try and use our natural hormonal system to balance it - great short term, but long term, all this does is deplete our systems and make us feel cranky (or emotional), fat, in pain and tired.
MB has helped our clients feel less tired, less bloated and happier. We have had balanced hormonal issues, less hot flashes, reduced allergy symptoms, constipation, IBS, heartburn or reflux symptoms dissipated, reduced menopausal symptoms and well as improvements in diabetes and cholesterol issues. Plus so much more....
MB doesn't discriminate on age or gender as these results show:
Female - 63yrs - 10kg loss in 10wks
Female - 32yrs - 17kg loss in 14wks
Male - 51yrs - 28kg loss in 23wks
Female - 50yrs - 7kg loss in 18wks
Female - 425yrs - 21kg loss in 15 weeks
Female - 47yrs - 12kg loss in 13wks
Female - 49yrs - 14kg loss in 12wks
Male - 59yrs - 13kg loss in 7wks
Male - 35yrs - 8kg loss in 8wks
Female - 59yrs - 6kg loss in 4wks
For more information: